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Cyclical Living: How to Align Your Life with Your Menstrual Cycle for More Energy & Balance

Ever feel like your energy’s all over the place? One week you’re smashing through your to-do list, feeling unstoppable, and the next, you’re tired, emotional, and wondering why everything feels so hard?

Here’s the thing: you’re not supposed to feel the same every day. As women, our bodies are designed to work in cycles. Learning to live in tune with your menstrual cycle – also known as cyclical living – can completely transform how you feel. It’s about understanding how your energy and moods shift throughout the month, and adapting your life to flow with those changes, instead of constantly pushing through.

What Is Cyclical Living? 

Cyclical living is about syncing your life – your work, rest, exercise, and even social plans – with the natural rhythm of your menstrual cycle. There are four phases in your cycle, and each one comes with its own energy and needs. Once you start tuning in, you’ll notice how these phases affect your mood, motivation, and energy levels.

Here’s a quick rundown of the four phases:

  1. Menstrual Phase (Day 1-5): This is when your period starts. Your energy is at its lowest, and it’s the perfect time for rest and reflection.
  2. Follicular Phase (Day 6-13): After your period, your energy starts to rise. You’ll feel more creative and ready to take on new projects.
  3. Ovulation Phase (Day 14-17): This is your powerhouse phase! You’re full of energy, feeling confident and social.
  4. Luteal Phase (Day 18-28): As you head towards your next period, you might feel more inward and less social. It’s a good time to focus on finishing tasks and slowing down.

The Benefits of Living in Tune with Your Menstrual Cycle 

Adapting your lifestyle to work with your cycle can completely change the way you feel – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Here are just a few of the benefits:

More Energy and Less Burnout

When you live in sync with your cycle, you stop pushing yourself to be “on” all the time. You learn when to slow down and rest (like during your menstrual phase) and when to make the most of your natural energy bursts (like during ovulation). By following these rhythms, you avoid burnout and feel more energised overall.

Better Productivity

Cyclical living means planning your work around your cycle’s phases. For example, you might schedule brainstorming sessions or creative tasks during your follicular phase when your mind is sharp, and save detail-oriented tasks for your luteal phase when you’re more focused and methodical. This way, you’re working smarter, not harder, and getting more done with less effort.

Emotional Balance

How often do we get labelled as “moody” or “too emotional” during certain times of the month? In reality, your emotions are simply reflecting the natural shifts in your cycle. Once you understand these changes, you can embrace them rather than fight them. By aligning your self-care and commitments with your cycle, you’ll find more emotional balance and compassion for yourself.

Improved Physical Health

When you live in tune with your cycle, you start to notice how different foods, exercise, and habits affect your body in each phase. For instance, during the luteal phase, your body might crave more rest and nourishing foods, while in the follicular and ovulation phases, you might feel great with more intense workouts and lighter meals. This approach can help reduce pre menstrual symptoms, improve digestion, and support overall hormonal balance.

How to Get Started with Cyclical Living 

If this is all new to you, don’t worry – it’s not about overhauling your entire life overnight. Cyclical living is all about making small, mindful changes that help you work with your body, not against it.

Here’s a simple way to start:

  1. Track Your Cycle: Start paying attention to how you feel in each phase of your cycle. You can use a period tracking app or just jot down notes in a journal about your energy, mood, and body each day.
  2. Adjust Your Schedule: After tracking a few cycles, you’ll start noticing patterns. Try adjusting your routine to match these patterns – schedule big projects during your high-energy phases and plan downtime during your low-energy phases.
  3. Be Kind to Yourself: Cyclical living isn’t about being perfect. Every month is different, and that’s totally okay. The key is to be gentle with yourself and trust your body’s natural rhythm.

Ready to Embrace Cyclical Living? Let’s Work Together! 

If you’re feeling inspired to live more in tune with your body, I’m here to help! Book a 1:1 consultation with me, and we’ll dive deep into how cyclical living can work for your unique lifestyle. Together, we’ll create a personalised plan that helps you feel more balanced, energised, and in control all month long.

Click here to book your session and start your journey to a more energised, balanced you!

Final Thoughts 

Cyclical living isn’t just a trend – it’s a natural, empowering way to align your life with your body’s needs. By living in tune with your menstrual cycle, you’ll not only feel more energised and productive, but you’ll also build a deeper connection with yourself.

You deserve to feel great in every phase of your cycle. Let’s work together to make that happen!

Your’s in health,

Em x

P.S Don’t forget to check out my Instagram for inspiration. 

P.P.S Are you a mum that is looking for a supportive community to thrive, not just survive? Check out my Facebook group Healthy Mums Hub

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